Give to Northpoint
Giving is a powerful expression of worship, and is an outward response to what God has done for us.
As Christians we are called to give generously - of our time, resources and money.
All we have belongs to God, and we are to see ourselves as stewards rather than owners of property and income.
Our financial giving expresses our thankfulness, and commitment to God and His church.
It also gives us the opportunity to grow our faith.
Northpoint Church programs and staff are completely funded by the tithes and offerings of the Northpoint congregation.
Together as the a faith community, our tithes and offerings make a big difference - both locally and globally.
Without the generosity of so many people, we could do very little - so thank you for helping to support the Northpoint mission.
We aim to be as transparent as possible in all matters of finance:
- We have a ‘Finance Resource Team’ which is made up of 5 independent volunteers. This team meets together monthly to undertake a basic review/audit of the entire previous months transactions.
- Every year our detailed accounts are externally reviewed, and all findings are made available to our congregation.
- All budgets for each year are discussed and approved by the congregation.
- All pastoral stipends are set by the Elders (who are appointed by the congregation) in discussion with the Finance Resource Team.
Aside from regular and one-off tithes and offerings there are also opportunities to financially support annual initiatives such as the Christmas Hampers delivered by Northpoint each year to our local community.
How to Give
1. Online or automatic payment
Account details
Northpoint Baptist Church, TSB, 15-3956-0073646-00
Particulars: Use your Name
Reference: Tithes/offerings or other specified giving eg Easter Camp
2. Cash or Envelope giving via the offering bags
An envelope number can be obtained by notifying the office will issue you a number and envelopes to use.
3. Eftpos
Available at the church office.
4. Credit Card
See below - Via our Paypal processing service.
One-off Giving via Credit Card