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Northpoint Kids - final logo with byline

We believe that God has designed family/whanau to be the primary place that faith is nurtured.  This includes parents, caregivers, aunts, uncles, neighbours, friends, grandparents, siblings, 

and all of our church whanau  – whether you live with children or not.

Here’s some information to help you orientate to what’s offered for kids on a Sunday morning during the term:

PODS: 6 months to 2 years.

We sing, share a Bible story and play together. We also have a sammie and drink of   water for morning tea. You are welcome to stay or leave your child with us if they are ready for that.

Feel free to pop in, we would love to meet you. Please help your child by joining in with songs and faith conversations we share.  

SPROUTS: 3 + 4 years.

We enjoy mat time, a Bible story, songs and activities throughout the morning. We have morning tea of plain biscuits and a drink of water. We encourage adults to join in as it helps everyone participate and have fun together.

We sing, dance, and read the Bible with the children & have morning tea together.


We focus on the truths that:

1. God made us

2. God loves us

3. Jesus wants to be our friend

THE FOREST: Primary years 1-6.

Our morning together includes big group and small group times; a Bible story and a memory verse, games & snacks.

We are learning to respond to and connect with God in a variety of ways.

Each term we have a week’s focus on God’s Big Story and we pause for a ‘Celebration Sunday’.

We encourage children, leaders, and whanau to share stories of where they have spotted God in their week, and to continue faith conversations, prayer and Bible reading at home.

THE FORT: Intermediate age.

We spend time connecting with each other, playing games/challenges and discussing studies in small groups. 

Over the two years spent at The Fort, we study topics such as relationships, character, serving, various Bible series and the basics of faith.

Our leaders are passionate about our young people and presenting faith in a way that is fun and relevant to their age level. Come up and join us!















Fun Sunday 18th Oct

Fun Sunday 18th Oct

Movie Night

Movie Night

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